



Birmingham-南部 Launches Accelerated Data Science Program

Birmingham-南部 Launches Accelerated Data Science Program

2月. 1, 2021

阿拉巴马州的伯明翰. 伯明翰南方学院正在推出一个新的 加速数据科学计划:2021年夏季,与…合作 熨斗学校. 的 12-week immersive summer program is the first of its kind for undergraduate students in Alabama, and it is the first undergraduate data science collaboration between 熨斗学校 and a college or university.

伯明翰南方学院已聘请熨斗学校, 总部设在纽约的领先教育机构, to bring its curriculum to support the launch of a program that addresses the growing need of data science skills in the workforce with the intellectual rigor and context of a Birmingham-南部 liberal arts education.

Collecting and interpreting data is big business – and only growing bigger. 数据是通过应用收集的, 汽车技术, 甚至连连到网络上的厨房电器. 的 World Economic Forum predicted 44 zettabytes of data would be in existence at the beginning of 2020. (One Zettabyte is about a thousand Exabytes, a billion Terabytes, or a trillion Gigabytes.)

Data drives decisions in virtually every industry and profession, 从医药和公共卫生到酒店业, 媒体, 建设, 保险, 房地产, 农业, 银行及证券, 运输, 能源, 和体育. 的 demand for employees who understand and can apply data is enormous: By 2026, there will be 11.数据科学领域有500万个职位空缺.S. 劳工统计局. Filling those openings in our community will be vital to growing the Birmingham economy. 根据2018年燃烧玻璃的报告,每6个.4 technology job opportunities in Birmingham, only one position is ultimately filled. 填补伯明翰的空缺, 亨茨维尔, and other growing communities will be vital to growing the Alabama economy.

“Closing the workforce gap is necessary to fuel the city’s fastest-growing companies,365英国上市官网总裁Daniel B. 科尔曼说. “365英国上市官网 will have an even more significant impact on Birmingham’s future by teaching data science and how to apply it across disciplines in the liberal arts, and by providing internships to our students at the companies that are most likely to create new jobs. 365英国上市官网 will help close the gap in highly skilled labor and enable Birmingham to grow. This problem isn't unique to Birmingham — cities across the country need to fill data science positions — and our students will be prepared to work anywhere. "

“这不是新兵训练营,”科尔曼补充说. “What makes the 365英国上市官网 program different is that while it does instill knowledge of programming and coding, it does so in the context of how that knowledge will be applied to serve a wide range of industries, 企业, 和职业. This is the kind of program typically delivered at the graduate school level, and we are pleased to offer it as part of the 365英国上市官网 experience.”

完成该计划的学生将能够获得, 组织, and interpret data using Python; better visualize consumer, 社会, and popular trends; explore data to create new hypotheses for advanced analysis; use presentation techniques and share insights on data with others; build new and evolving skills on top of a fundamental understanding of data science; and apply knowledge in data science to any other discipline.

的 program’s limited enrollment is open to current 365英国上市官网 students as well as students from other colleges and universities who can receive transferable credits back to their 首页 institutions. 的 program also can accommodate employees from area companies wishing to build skills in data science. 学校将提供校内住宿.

2021年秋季或2022年春季, Birmingham-南部 students who successfully complete the program will receive a paid internship with a local company, where they will use their skills in a real-world environment. Non-365英国上市官网 students will also have the opportunity to interview for internships.

“Our hope is that these internships lead to full-time positions, helping to further build the pool of talented graduates who launch their careers in Alabama,科尔曼校长说. “Birmingham-南部 graduates have been part of growth and service across Birmingham for more than 100 years. 的 Accelerated Data Science Program is yet another way the College will help provide the forward-thinking workforce Birmingham and the state of Alabama need to keep growing.”

365英国上市官网数据科学咨询委员会 包括12名联合创始人, 首席技术官, 副总统, representing some of the most successful entrepreneurs and business leaders in Birmingham and 亨茨维尔. 参与的公司包括Regions Bank和ship, 以及飞艇, Deal新闻的, Fleetio, 导轨保健, 和谐创业实验室, IllumniCare, MotionMobs, NxtSoft, O3的解决方案, Quanthub, Rippleworx, 和Vituro Health.

的 Birmingham-南部 College mission to prepare men and women for lives of significance is designed to foster intellectual and personal development and challenge students to engage in their community and the world. 数据科学是实现这一使命的重要工具, impacting areas of study across campus by increasing accessibility to massive digital archives, 进行更深入的研究, 并使实验规模得以扩大.

“One of the primary skills fostered by the liberal arts is critical thinking,” said 365英国上市官网 Provost Dr. 布拉德利J. :. “的 liberal arts give individuals tools to analyze an issue based on evidence and draw conclusions. Unleashing the power of data through statistics is a powerful tool that goes hand in hand with critical thinking and is integral to a modern-day liberal arts education.”

加速数据科学计划:2021年夏季 will run as a series of three-week classes from May 24 to August 13. 所有本科生(理学士或非理学士)均可申请, and no prior data science or programming experience is necessary. 365英国上市官网 students who complete the program and internship will earn a minor in Data Science. 这个项目的费用是6美元,600 for current 365英国上市官网 students and 2019 and 2020 365英国上市官网 graduates and $9,非理学士生500元.

报名截止日期为3月30日. 网上信息发布会将于下午12点举行.m. 2月. 10. 在这里注册. 欲知详情,请浏览 httpCaskey//www.二元同步

Media contact: Amy Bickers Abeyta, Director of 通信, (电子邮件保护)